Economist Rowdy Ferret Design Economist Rowdy Ferret Design

China’s Economy: An alternative view

China’s official figures both understate and overstate inflation

IS CHINA’S economy underheating? Not long ago, many people would have scoffed at the suggestion. The country is known for searing property prices, hot-money inflows and the steam escaping from its financial furnaces.

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Economist Rowdy Ferret Design Economist Rowdy Ferret Design

Raising Military Spending Increases Output

Other forms of government spending are presumably similar

A WHILE back I noted a post by a major tea-party figure eagerly supporting the bog-standard mainstream economic assumption that higher government spending creates higher economic output.

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Economist Rowdy Ferret Design Economist Rowdy Ferret Design

Sticky Situations

Sticky situations

FROM Washington to Wellington price stability is the desire of central bankers. Many of them have it, more or less: consumer-price inflation is 2.1% in America, 1.6% in the euro area, 2.4% in Britain and 0.6% in Japan.

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